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Life is tough, so you should be tough too!

Life is difficult. It is reassuring to know that it isn’t just me who have tough days and various challenges.  Frustration, pain and problems  are normal parts of life.  We have all tasted change, challenges and uncertainty over the last few months.

Financial stress, a heavy workload, working remotely, or the difficult alternative of unemployment, children studying from home, illness, hurting relationships, anger, loss of all kinds, disappointment, health, a struggle to forgive the past – these are just some examples of triggers that make us lose sleep and steal our joy.

Once we accept this difficulty and acknowledge that part of living well is solving a series of problems, it becomes a bit easier to breathe, be and become activated to face what needs to be done.  I would like to invite you to watch and listen to my view on Life Is Difficult by clicking on this link below

The full article on life is difficult is available at www.marjonmeyer.co.za

Go easy on yourself and those you live, socialise and work with.  Build bridges, don’t burn them.


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